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Injury Treatment and Prevention

  1. Is Bad Posture Causing You Neck Pain?

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    Have you ever wondered why you get a sore neck and shoulders after a long day in the office? Usually this is caused by poor posture and a poorly setup workstation. 2.5million Australians experience activity-limiting neck pain each year, secondary to postural strain and poor ergonomics we discuss your options here.

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  2. Treatment and exercises for arthritis

    Arthritis Treatment and Exercises

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    As I have aged over my twenty years as a physiotherapist my clients have aged with me and more and more they are asking me for treatment and exercises to help with their arthritic hip, knee or low back.

    This group of clients is one of the most satisfying to treat because with some fairly straight forward strategies I can have a big impact on their quality of life. “But you can’t fix a worn out joint!” I hear you say, and this the question my long term clients often have for me.

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  3. Groin Strain

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    The groin refers to the area where the upper thigh meets the pelvis on either side of the pubic area. It is marked by a fold or depression at the junction of the lower abdomen and the inner part of the thigh.

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  4. How Long Will My Injury Take To Get Better?

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    Many factors will influence your recovery. These include not only your exact injury, but other things such as whether you’ve had the injury before, how old you are and therefore how quickly you heal, your diet, whether you smoke and many other factors.

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  5. Illiotibial Band Friction Syndrome

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    The illiotibial band is a sheath of thick, fibrous connective tissue that attaches to the top of your pelvis and runs down the outside of the thigh, crossing the knee joint and attaching to the shin bone.

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