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Exercise guidelines

Published: November 14, 2017

Most of us don’t seem to do enough exercise during the week, but exactly how much exercise should we be doing? And how intense should each exercise session be? According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than half of all Australian adults are not meeting the physical activity guidelines. Being physically active and limiting sitting down every day is essential for your health and wellbeing. The benefits include:

  • Reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
  • Improving blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels
  • Aiding fat loss
  • Building strong muscles and bones
  • Improving overall well being
  • Improving mental health

According to the Australian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Guidelines, adults should be doing:

  • 2 ½ - 5 hours of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week eg: walking, jogging, and cycling


  • 1 ¼ - 2 ½ hours of vigorous activity per week eg: running, fast swimming, jumping
  • Do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days per week
  • Breaking up/avoiding long periods of sitting

So how can we implement these guidelines into our busy lives? Some strategies include:

  • Park the car further away from work or even better, ride your bike to work!
  • Use the stairs instead of the lift
  • Go for a walk during your lunch break
  • Do some gardening or work around the house
  • Take up a social dance class
  • Exercise with friends
  • Set an alarm when you’re sitting down to get up and walk at set intervals

Remember, every bit of activity counts! So aim to move more and sit less every day. If you haven’t been on top of your exercise game lately be sure to speak to a health professional first. At Back In Motion Clayton we can assess and tailor a graded exercise program so you can get your activity levels up to the recommended amounts above without the risk of an injury from doing too much too soon! Call us on 9544 8815 if you would like some assistance in planning yourself to live a longer, happier and healthier life.

Cass Wolff, Back In Motion Clayton