Latest News - Aspendale Gardens | Back In Motion

Did you know…

Published: July 26, 2022

Our Exercise Physiologist Yas has full access to a couple of local gyms. These gyms are in Chelsea Heights and Dingey, and the Dingley gym includes access to a pool for water based treatment sessions and classes.

Whilst we have a gym in clinic, the access to these facilities enables a more complete treatment pathway for those who are required to lift heavier items or those who want to get back to the gym but are not sure how to. The clinic gym is equipment with reformers, trapeze table, ladder barrel, dumbells, weights bar (and plates), a treadmill, whole body vibration plate and other bits and pieces and is great for those who are recovering from injury or those who are after more controlled and supervised exercises.

With the offsite gyms and pools, there is a greater access to heavier weights and other machines to be able to extend rehab for patients! 

If you are interested in, or need help setting up a program in the gym (or even helping your trainer design a program for your specific needs in the case of injury or illness), please give us a call on 95801985 or book in with Yas here.