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Disc Herniation

Published: July 12, 2021

What is a Herniated Disc?

A Herniated Disc is when the nucleus of the disc is pushed out of the disc because the disc covering, the annulus, has been torn.  It can also be called a disc prolapse, or a slipped disc by some. Usually this occurs with back joint (facet joint) pain as well, because of looseness in the spine. There can be leg pain as well if the nerves in the back have pressure on them from the disc herniation. A herniated disc can be confirmed with an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Scan to see the extent of the damage. 

Removing the pain is the first step.  There are exercises to take pressure off the disc, but at BIM Balnarring we are very hands-on with our treatment, and use techniques that can ease the pressure on the disc. Strengthening exercises, such as what you do with Clinical Pilates, are needed to strengthen the back and deep abdominal muscles. Most people fully recover from a Disc herniation

Does this describe you?

  1. You are in pain and are not sure what to do or who to see
  2. Is sitting, bending forwards or getting out of a car a nightmare for you?
  3. Have you been diagnosed with a slipped or herniated disc in your back and are struggling with back pain and sciatica?
  4. Are you frustrated you can’t do the things you love?
  5. You are worried that you may not be able to work in the future
  6. You are not able to pick up your grandkids
  7. You want to avoid taking strong painkillers, injections or back surgery?

At Back In Motion Balnarring our experienced physiotherapists are dedicated to helping the local community with back pain, clearing their pain, and getting them back to their work, sporting and leisure activities.  Not only do we want to clear your pain, but also want to teach you how to prevent this pain from re-occurring, without pain or restriction.

Is our treatment program right for you?

Our program may be the solution for you if:

  • you are struggling with back pain
  • you are not sleeping well at night
  • you have been told an injection is the next step and want to avoid that
  • you have been told you need surgery and would like a second opinion
  • you want to return to your pre-injury activity levels, whether that be at work or play

Call or book online to discuss your back with one of our senior physiotherapists, to see if our Back program is suitable for you.