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Foods that help, and hinder sleep

Published: August 7, 2020

There are a number of dietary factors that influence sleep, either facilitating it or hindering it. Foods high in tryptophan; an amino acid that synthesises melatonin, could help to improve sleep quality. Tryptophan is found in foods such as turkey, eggs, salmon, peanuts, pepita seeds, and milk.

Equally, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and the consumption of large meals before bed hinder sleep. This is due to the following factors:

  • Caffeine has a long half-life of five hours, which means that half of the caffeine consumed from one cup of coffee or green tea is still in the blood stream after five hours.
  • Alcohol can impact our capacity to enter the deep, restorative phases of sleep, which is why a night of drinking can often leave us feeling terrible the next day!
  • Spicy foods and large meals can cause reflux, making it very difficult to get to sleep.

Sleep hygiene is critical to ensuring quality sleep. Having trouble with your sleeping patterns? Speak to Carly, our dietitian, to find out more about how your eating and drinking habits might be impacting your sleep by contacting the practice on 9439 6776.