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Clinical Exercise for Runners

Published: May 5, 2021

Clinical Exercise for runners


Clinical Exercise is a term used to describe an individualised supervised exercise programme that targets your body’s specific needs which may include areas of pain, stiffness, lack of stability or strength. This is very complementary to your running training. Running requires strength in your feet and calf muscles, your core and to a lesser degree your quadriceps and glutes. Your Clinical Exercise program can be designed to specifically target these areas and has been found to help reduce the risk of getting injuries running.

Prior to attending a Clinical Exercise group class, you will undergo a thorough assessment so that your program will target imbalances and asymmetries, as well as lack of flexibility, motor control and/or strength specific to you. Targeting these areas will help to improve your body’s ability to run longer, faster and more efficiently thereby reducing your chance of getting injured, as well as better run times. This can be paired with a running assessment for specific technique exercises. As your body adapts to the exercise program, progression is important to ensure ongoing improvement. At Back In Motion, Melbourne On Collins, we use a range of Pilates and Strength and Conditioning equipment.

For a Clinical Exercise programme to get you running stronger, faster and injury-free please get in contact with Back In Motion, Melbourne On Collins.