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Injury Prevention

Published: September 26, 2018

Preventing Injuries

Injuries can occur when you over-stretch, slip, fall or more commonly, can occur when undertaking an increase in your physical activity load. So whilst we think that there is often an “incident” or a mechanism of injury that causes us to go “ouch!,” it's not always the case. When we increase our physical activity load, like starting running for the first time in a while or trying a new exercise or class at the gym, we can run the risk of increasing our risk of injury. Worse yet, because there isn't a clear “incident,” we think that resting or working through the pain is our best option. Unfortunately, it's the worst option. 

Our Physiotherapists at Back in Motion have the strategies to help you burn off the winter calories without injuring yourself.
Make sure you

1. Warm up before you start exercising. Set aside 5-10mins at the start of your session and warm up properly and not surprisingly, a lot has changed since you learnt warm-ups in P.E. class at school! Our Physios can show you the most effective, evidence-based warm ups that can be both generic and sport specific, making sure you reduce your injury risk even further. 

2. Move your joints and strengthen your core! If you’ve been sitting in your office all day, chances are some joints are stiff and some muscles have shortened and become weaker. Avoid the temptation to jump up at lunch time and smash yourself at the gym/ that exercise class or go for a quick run without the proper care for your body. Our Physio's can help identify what needs length and what needs strength. Foam rolling or Clinical Exercise are a great options and we can give you pointers on what the best options are for you.

3. Don’t go too hard, too early. Your muscles and joints adapt to the load that is placed upon them. Most of us can't run a marathon tomorrow, we'd need months of training and whilst this seems very logical, rarely do we equate commencing other, less intense exercise with the same mindset. So be kind to yourself! Your joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles need time to respond to the exercise you’re doing. This may mean initially adjusting your distance for a run or modifying a few exercises in a gym class as you get started. We promise you, you'll be far less sore and far less injured if you respect your body's need to adapt to your new training program. 

If you're thinking of commencing a new exercise program or would like to get fitter, stronger, run faster or just up your training then make sure you ask one of our experts! We offer a free assessment to all our clients and all new injuries, so you have nothing to lose. Call the clinic on 9602 3332 to make your appointment and start your journey to long term health and wellness today.