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Physiotherapy. Is it for me?

Published: May 13, 2021

What is Physiotherapy?

“A healthcare profession concerned with human function, movement, and maximising physical potential… it uses physical approaches to promote, maintain, and restore physical, psychological, and social well-being. “ – World Physiotherapy

While we are best known for diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating musculoskeletal or sporting injuries such as back, neck, knee, and shoulder pain, the benefits of physiotherapy also extend to many less known areas with a focus on improving quality of life.

In a physiotherapy session, you can expect to have a thorough history taken, your movement assessed, and discuss the development of an individualised plan going forward on how you can get back on track to being pain-free and to the activities that give your life meaning. This can be as challenging as an ultra-marathon, or just being comfortable sitting in a chair reading your favourite book. 

Part of this plan will involve the prescription of tailored exercises and stretches alongside the use of manual therapy such as soft tissue massages, dry needling, manual joint mobilisations, and manipulations to reduce your pain and improve your function. We will explain to you what's going on, why this is the case, and all the ways in we can help you get better. It's likely that you will need some 1:1 sessions to help address the tightness/ weakness/ movement dysfunction or issues that have been explained to you and most importantly, what you can be doing to help get yourself better. A large part of our sessions are devoted to educating you on reducing the aggravating activities, finding solutions to help ease the pain, and giving you tips and tricks to remain pain free. Our ultimate goal is to get you armed with the right advice and exercises to be self-managing long term. To do this, every plan and session is catered to you. Your pain, movement, body, and goals.

Book in to have your questions answered and your ‘niggles’ sorted out!