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The benefits of massage by a Physio

Published: February 15, 2021

Benefits of Massage by a Physio


Who doesn’t love a good massage? In some form, most of us will have experienced some type of massage before. Whether that’s a deep calf rub at quarter time of a footy match, a relaxing foot massage by the beach while on holiday, or perhaps even a pampering day spa experience with the whole package. If nothing else, then surely you’re guilty of conning your significant other into giving you a quick shoulder massage to ease tension after a long day at work (we won’t judge, we’ve ALL done it!).

How many of you though, have experienced a massage by a physiotherapist? And no, we don’t mean the type of massage that sometimes accompanies a treatment for an injury– ie. Not the tender-bordering-on-painful calf release, or the elbows-into-glutes-that-makes-you-want-to-cry kind of massage. We mean a session with a physio that focuses solely on massage alone. Never had one before? We can’t recommend it enough!

The benefits of massage are almost endless. It has long been lauded for its benefits on the musculoskeletal system and you only have to have a quick google search to find pages and pages of its numerous advantages. In the early stages of injury rehab, it facilitates increased blood flow which helps to promote healing in tissues by bringing necessary nutrients to affected areas. It assists in relieving muscle tightness and spasms, as well as relieving built up tension (upper trap muscles anyone?). In the later stages of injury rehab, as our tissues are healing, there are further benefits of soft tissue massage, as it ensures our connective tissue is functioning as it should be within our body and through movement. It’s exactly for this reason, that massage is very often used as one of our many treatment tools, as you progress through stages of your injury rehab.

On the flip side to its numerous physical benefits, massage also has significant positive effects on mental health! Massage has long been used as a tool to assist with relaxation, and many studies have shown that it can actually boost the body’s production of serotonin and dopamine (the feel-good hormones!) as well as reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone). The increased circulation that occurs as a result of massage can also improve blood flow to the brain and therefore concentration, as well as assisting our lymphatic system (think of it like the body’s drainage system) in removing toxins and waste products from the body. Additionally, there’s even been studies that show that massage is seriously effective in improving both quality and quantity of sleep (more sleep? Where do we sign up!?)

On top of all of that, it just feels good!

That’s where a massage performed by a physiotherapist can be so beneficial. As injury management specialists – and as experts in the body’s structure, we can help identify exactly what kind of massage is needed and necessary for you and your needs. With our extensive knowledge of anatomy and our vast skills in understanding exactly how the body moves and works, we are the perfect people to provide you with a massage experience that is tailored exactly to you and your body. Dare we say it – perhaps even the best massage you’ve ever received?

Don’t believe us? Come in and let us prove it.

Would you entrust your body to anything less than the best? To anyone less than an experienced, highly skilled, expert in the musculoskeletal system?

We wouldn’t.

Book a massage experience with us today. We offer 20, 40 and 60 minute massages that are all claimable on your private health insurance.