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Physiotherapy for Seniors

Published: 07 January 2014

Aged Care Physiotherapists play a leading role in assisting seniors to stay active and maintain their independence as they age. Whether it be in a local practice, residential care facility, hospital or the comfort of their home, aged care physiotherapists are able to address the varying nature of conditions treated across the spectrum from retirees to those living in care.

We live in an ageing population, where many of us will lead much longer lives than our grandparents due to improvements in medicine and technology. Amazingly in Australia, life expectancy for females is 84 and 79 for males. However, as we age, we are all aware that different parts of our body tend not to work as well as they once did! But this doesn’t mean we can’t still lead healthy and active lives.

Commonly seniors experience the debilitating effects of osteoarthritis, decreased mobility and balance, pain, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, as well as heart and lung disease. Despite these diseases often being chronic in nature, physiotherapists are primary practitioners specifically trained to address these conditions through non-invasive assessment treatment techniques.

Aged care physiotherapists commonly implement a range of treatment modalities aimed at either preventing deterioration or restoring function and activity levels, as well as keeping seniors happy and moving freely.  The old adage of ‘move it or lose it’, may simplify your understanding. On the other hand an aged care physiotherapist does not adapt a ‘no pain, no gain’ attitude, but rather a targeted and specific approach to treatment.

Treatment strategies commonly recommended by aged care physiotherapists include:

  • Strength and conditioning training
  • Falls and balance training
  • Massage and manual therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Mobility aids

Seniors should not only see their physiotherapist as a healer of pain, but rather as partner in long-term health practitioner who can help seniors stay fit, safe and pain free. Partnering up with a physiotherapist earlier in life can help prevent many of the debilitating effects of ageing.

Whether its lawn bowls, dancing, tennis, or even playing with the grandkids, we all have those activities we wish we could participate in forever! So, make a stand, don’t accept that you’re “slowing down”, and team up with an aged care physiotherapist!


