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A pain in the bum

Published: November 25, 2020

A common complaint we hear in the clinic is “I’ve got this pain in my butt”. Whilst some people are talking about their kids or partner, we often hear this in reference to their actual butt!

Buttock pain can occur from a variety of sources. Most commonly, it can be a referral from:


This pain is often found deep in the bottom and can refer to or radiate down the leg. Keep in mind you do not have to have back pain associated with this, which can sometimes make it difficult to diagnose. Correcting posture and strengthening work is the key long term, as well as having some hands-on treatment to settle symptoms initially. 


Another source for these symptoms can be your gluteal tendon, which sits more on the outside of your hip, on a bony prominence. This pain will often come as a result of a change in your “load” i.e; how much exercise or walking you are completing. Common examples include:

  • walking frequency increasing whilst on an overseas holiday;

  • heading back to the gym at the same intensity after having a month off.

These can be more tedious to treat however, early detection and management is vital in speeding up recovery!  Shockwave therapy is an alternative to hands-on treatment that has proven to be effective. Again, strengthening exercises are the key. 


If your “pain in the buttock” does not ease, book in to see one of our physiotherapists. After we've assessed and diagnosed where your pain is coming from, we might recommend one or more of the following techniques: 

  • Hands-on treatment

  • Shockwave Therapy

  • Strengthening exercises

  • Dry Needling


Julian Urlings | Physiotherapist
Julian has specific interests in back injuries in addition to sporting injuries related to soccer and AFL football. He has experience working alongside the Adelaide United Football Club since early 2016. He thrives on keeping up to date with the latest evidence-based treatments to ensure that his clients achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Julian has a focus on achieving long term results through techniques such as hands-on manual therapy and dry needling in addition to utilizing strength and conditioning or Clinical Exercise-based programs. 

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