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What’s the difference between a Physiotherapist and a Chiropractor?

Published: 13 August 2013

The practice of a physiotherapist and a chiropractor are quite different. Some people may prefer to see one or the other, or perhaps see both which can yield great results. Read on to explore the difference:

The practice of physiotherapy covers a wide range of treatments from diagnostic tests to the treatment of disease and injury. With a well-rounded understanding of human body movement and function, a physiotherapist focusses on muscles and joints and how these work together. A physio has knowledge in muscle balance, core strength and injury rehabilitation. Treatment techniques include massages, manual therapy as well as individually prescribed exercises programs and stretching for both injury treatment and prevention.

On the other hand, a chiropractor looks at the relationship between the body’s structure and its function and how this relationship affects the way the body both preserves and restores itself. The main focus of a chiropractor is the spine – treatment is centred on the alignment of vertebrae through manipulation.

The differences between a Physiotherapist and a Chiropractor are quite significant. As a result, their services can be used independently of one another or complimentary – the choice is yours, however it is recommended that you communicate openly with any therapist you see about any other treatments you may be receiving.

Back In Motion Health Group provides physiotherapy and related services, including massage, Clinical Exercise and personal training. Discover more about Back In Motion’s services offerings from the menu above.