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Frozen Shoulder

Published: 06 March 2023 - Injury Treatment and Prevention

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Today we want to talk about a common condition known as frozen shoulder, which can be quite painful and limiting in terms of movement. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder affects around 2-5% of the population. It occurs when the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint becomes inflamed and stiff, which can result in a significant loss of range of motion and pain and make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments for frozen shoulder.


What are the Causes of Frozen Shoulder?

The exact cause of frozen shoulder is unknown, but it often occurs after a period of immobilization, such as after surgery or injury. It can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or heart disease. Frozen shoulder is more common in women than men, and in people over the age of 40.


Common Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

The main symptom of frozen shoulder is pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. The pain can be severe and may worsen at night, making it difficult to sleep. The stiffness can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks such as reaching for objects or lifting your arm above your head.

Frozen shoulder typically has three stages:

· Freezing Stage: This is the initial stage where the shoulder gradually becomes more painful and stiff.

· Frozen Stage: In this stage, the pain may lessen, but the stiffness remains. It may become difficult to move the shoulder in most directions.

· Thawing Stage: In this stage, the shoulder gradually regains its range of motion.


Treatments for Frozen Shoulder

The good news is that frozen shoulder is treatable. Physiotherapy is a common and effective way to managed frozen shoulder, and it typically involves a combination of graded rehabilitation exercises, rehabilitation classes, stretches, and manual therapy to help improve range of motion, reduce pain and improve overall strength and function.

At our clinic, we have a team of experienced physiotherapists who can work with you to develop a treatment plan that suits your individual needs. We offer a range of physiotherapy treatments that can help manage frozen shoulder and get you back to your normal activities as soon as possible. Don't let frozen shoulder limit your life - contact us today to book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.

Remember, early treatment is key to managing frozen shoulder, so don't hesitate to seek help if you're experiencing shoulder pain and stiffness.