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Gluteal Tendinopathy

Published: November 26, 2020

Gluteal tendinopathy is an injury to one or all the gluteal or buttock tendons in isolation, it is characterised by pain and dysfunction of the gluteal muscles to support daily activities. Gluteal tendinopathy can also be associated with trochanteric bursitis.


What Causes a Gluteal Tendinopathy?

- Reduced hip and gluteal muscles strength and control that leads to increased load on the gluteal tendons, which results in pain and further weakness of the muscles.

- Hip instability, increases the compressive load to hip bursa

- Sudden / irregular change in load management activities like increased walking and running distance etc.

- Knee and ankle problems


What are the Symptoms of Gluteal Tendinopathy?

- Lateral hip pain, muscles stiffness and loss of strength in the limb

- Pain worsening while using the tendon with activities such as, running, hopping, and ascending stairs

- Pain and stiffness in night or morning when getting up

- Hip may be tender, red, warm, and sometimes swollen if bursa involved.


Risk Factors

- Increased load due to increased training or work capacity.

- Weak gluteal musculature

- An altered walking pattern due to arthritic changes in knees and ankles

- Lumbar spine pain

- General health conditions – diabetes, thyroid function etc



- Relative rest- keep moving but avoid painful activities

- Ice pack for 10-20 mins every 2-4 hourly after 3 days.

- Assessment of lower limb by physio

- Shock wave therapy shows evidence in treating tendinopathy

- Strength and motor control exercises.


If you suffer from Gluteal tendinopathy call us at Back In Motion Prospect on 8269 3800 to book in for your FREE Initial Assessment with one of our physiotherapists.