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Exercise Trends for 2015

Published: 07 January 2015 - Fitness and Training, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Wellbeing

Christmas has come and gone, and if you’ve enjoyed yourself a little too much over the holiday period, the scales can quickly become your worst enemy!

All that overindulging, lazing on the beach & sitting around often results in a few extra kilos – not exactly the gift you had in mind!

Often our fitness regime goes on holidays too around this time. Unfortunately there is no magic wand to remove all that extra fat, sugar and alcohol many of us consume, however there are some fun easy diet and exercise tips you can follow to lose this extra weight in a new, safe and healthy way this summer!

Top Fitness Trends for 2015 Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Here's our picks for top exercise trends in 2015:

  1. Stand Up Paddle Boarding
    Stand up paddle boarding took off like a rocket in 2014 and we think it’s only going to become more popular in 2015. Benefits include improved balance, core strength and a low impact full body workout!
    A cross between surfing and kayaking, this is a fun summer activity to break up regular exercise routines.
  2. Outdoor Group Training
    What better than to get some exercise with friends outside, in the sun! Outdoor group fitness has become a common sight in parks and recreational areas all over Australia in recent years, proof that people can exercise together without being yelled at by a camouflage-clad commando!
    Making use of playgrounds and fitness areas take a look and see what’s in your area. Park benches are great for dips, step ups or box jumps!
  3. Body Weight Calisthenics
    Have you heard the name Frank Medrano? He shot to fame in 2014 with an incredible video displaying freakish displays of strength, flexibility and durability, with just a bar and his body, spawning a generation of copycat calisthenics workouts. View the video of Frank that started it all. This is obviously a very advanced workout, so start with something small and work your way up!
  4. Wedding Shredding
    Yep, you read that right. Couples all over Australia are “shredding for the wedding”.
    Commonly starting 12 months before the big day, many couples are taking on healthy eating and exercise regimes to be looking their best on their wedding day. We think it’s easier if you just maintain a regular health and fitness plan, but sometimes it takes a special occasion (and a timeframe) to get motivated to get active.
  5. Fitness Apps
    Fitness fanatics have used their iPods and iPhones for musically driven motivation for many years, and apps to measure their performance. But have you ever thought of your phone as a personal trainer?
    Many apps for android and iPhone now act like your very own personal trainer giving you daily and weekly exercises, motivating you as you go and recording your progress. Many focus on free, bodyweight activities without requiring a gym membership and focussing on dynamic full body movements.

Tips to make 2015 your best year yet!

Having some fun new interesting exercises to try in 2015 is one thing, but for best results, you should combine your fitness, diet and personal goals into one fresh, aligned wellness plan.

Here are some ways you can do that:

  1. Set realistic goals. Work out how much weight you want to lose or how much stronger you want to be and pick a time frame that you want to measure yourself against. Make this a realistic and achievable goal or you are setting yourself up for failure.
  2. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Throw out, or give away, the food that will hinder your weight loss and fitness goals. This includes the emergency stack for unexpected visitors or for days you are feeling “down” and need a lift!
  3. Allow time to recover. Working out intensely is great, but your body needs time to recover to prevent overuse injuries. Make sure you plan some downtime this year and use the time resting for other areas of your wellness plan or low impact activities such as foam rollers or recovery bands.
  4. Plan your weekly meals in advance, and shop accordingly. This makes it less likely you will grab fast food when you have had a hectic day and can’t think what to cook. Nourishing your body with nutrient dense foods will not only complement your fitness regime, but will save you money if shopping wisely.
  5. Eat more vegetables! Your Xmas diet was probably low in vegetables.  Vegetables fill you up quicker and make you feel less hungry. The added bonus is that the extra vitamins, minerals and fibre lead to a healthier body while you are losing weight.
  6. Avoid processed foods. These foods lead to fluid retention, energy highs and lows and contain all sorts of chemical additives not found in a natural diet. They will make it even harder to shift those Xmas kilos! Fluctuating blood sugar levels caused by processed foods also make it harder to maintain regular exercise intensity as you can feel light headed and dizzy.
  7. Drink lots of water each day. Often we confuse thirst with hunger, and eat when we should be drinking… water that is! Water removes the toxins that have accumulated when overindulging and rehydrates your body and skin. Coconut water can be an excellent healthy natural way to rehydrate and recharge your body with electrolytes.
  8. Add exercise to your daily routine. As mentioned, you don’t need to spend hours in the gym but by adding a moderate amount of physical activity to your schedule can help remove those extra kilos.
  9. Have variety in your daily fitness routine, and be flexible. Aim for a minimum amount of exercise a day, and change the form it takes by trying some of the exercises above. Include some cardio and some strengthening in each session.
  10. Get a Tune-Up! You take your car to get serviced regularly, but do you do the same with your body? Regular appointments with your physio or health care professional can identify small issues before they become big ones and can prevent serious injury and long recovery periods.
  11. Do some self analysis. Think about the times you overeat, and the reasons you do so and when you lack motivation to exercise. For example when we are stressed we tend to think “What the hell” and eat the wrong things.
  12. Don’t reward yourself with comfort food. If this is your pattern you may need to try yoga or other relaxation therapies to try and cope with your stress in more constructive ways. Physical activity is a known mood booster so your new coping mechanism could be to go for a quick jog outside.

By trying some fun new exercises and following even a few of these simple tips, you’ll make eating and exercising more effective and enjoyable, helping you see results and to stay motivated for making 2015 your best year yet!