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Injury Treatment and Prevention

  1. [VIDEO] Health is a Journey, not a Destination

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    Back In Motion Health Group + Regal Sleep Solutions Wellness Series: Episode 1: There’s a difference between feeling ok and feeling well. Many of us accept not being sick to be ‘wellness’.

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  2. Treating Benign Paroxysmal Position Vertigo

    What is BPPV? (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    Do you ever have “a dizzy spell” when rolling over in bed, getting up too quickly from your chair at work, looking down at your feet or looking up where it just feels as though the room is spinning, when you are actually standing or laying still?

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  3. Roll Your Pains Away - The Benefits of Foam Rollers

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    You might have seen people using them at the gym in the stretching area, or near the yoga mats at the sports store, and that’s because foam rollers are quickly becoming the weapon of choice when it comes to fighting muscle soreness and increasing your flexibility.

    These little blocks of cylindrical, brightly coloured foam, are actually one of your greatest allies.

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  4. Yoga as a form of Medicine?

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Injury Treatment and Prevention

    We’ve all had those stressful days, whether it was a bad day at the office, things around the home not going right, or just running late and being stuck in traffic. It’s ok, stress in life is completely normal!

    Common symptoms of stress can include difficulty concentrating, feeling lethargic or disrupted sleeping. At times you may be prone to headaches, or feel like your shoulders are up to your ears with tension.

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  5. How Long Will My Injury Take To Heal?

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention

    As you can imagine, the answer to this question is not a simple one. There are some key indicators however, that can help when determining how long your injury may take to heal.

    As Physiotherapists, our job is to correctly diagnose and treat your injuries and there are many factors that will influence how quickly you recover.

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