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[VIDEO] Why Rest is So Important

Published: 07 October 2014 - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Physio Tips, Wellbeing

How do you know if your body is getting enough rest?

Did you know rest is like a double edged sword? Resting too much or too little can be bad for your health. Jason explains the confusing topic of rest: why and how to work out the optimal amount of rest your body needs and how to tell if you've had a good night's sleep in the video below:

Video Transcript: Why Rest Is So Important

We've partnered with Regal Sleep Solutions because we think together we can help you achieve a lot more of your health and fitness goals.

Let's talk a little bit about rest. It's such a confusing topic when we think about your health. Rest is a little bit like a double edge sword, it cuts both ways. If you rest too much, then your body actually responds by weakening the muscles and the skeletal structures. If you rest too little, then you don't get enough rejuvenation of your tissues to actually re-energize for the next day. So we need a fine balance of rest in your daily life, in your daily pattern.

And the best indicators that you are getting the right amount of rest is that, number one: You have an uninterrupted nights' sleep. You're not waking up, restless and disturbed during the evening.

Number two, is that when you do wake up you rarely need an alarm clock and you feel refreshed in the morning because your body has had enough rest. Thirdly, I would say is that at the end of your working day, you feel you have enough energy in reserve to still do some of the things that you want to do. They would be practical indicators that you're getting the right amount of rest. 

I'm Jason T Smith, Group Director of the Back in Motion health group and author of the best seller 'Get Yourself Back in Motion'. We look forward to partnering with you in your health, wellness and fitness goals.

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Back In Motion partners with Regal Sleep Solutions to present this health and wellness series linking to Back In Motion found and physio, Jason T Smith's best-selling book, Get Yourself Back In Motion.